Registrar's Office Forms

At Minnesota State University Moorhead, we want to ensure your experience is as satisfactory as possible. To make things easier, you’ll find a list of common registration forms and a description of their purpose below.

Process for submitting Registrar Office Forms:

  • Complete the form in full – all areas of the form need to be filled out. See below for signature options.
  • Submitting by email: *Preferred option
    Email completed form
    1. Save form, attach to email, and send through your official account (we will accept this email as your signature)
    2. Print form, sign it manually, and scan it. This can be sent through your official email
      • If the form requires signatures from other parties (advisor, department chair, etc.), please email to the next person in the approval chain.
      • if documentation is required with the form, please send as an attachment.
  • Submitting by mail: Send completed form with signature, including any required documentation via U.S. mail.
  • Secure Portal: Upload documents containing confidential information to this secure portal.
Used for a student to appeal an academic decision (ex. late withdrawal, not meeting residence requirement, request a transfer course be LASC, waive a course, etc.)
Advisor Change
Students who want to change their advisor should contact the department of their major. The department will then contact the Registrar’s Office or the Academic Support Center to make the update.
Application for Graduation
Used for an undergraduate student who has met graduation requirements to request their intent to graduate with an undergraduate degree. Students must meet with their advisor and be marked eligible to graduate before they are sent the link to the online graduation application.
If you plan to graduate in the FALL, applications are due the third week of September.
If you plan to graduate in the SPRING OR SUMMER, applications are due by the third week of January.
Used for a student wanting to attend a course without seeking credit
Used to substitute courses for a student for their major and/or minor
Used for a student to obtain credit for a prior learning experience (ex. job or volunteer experience)
Used for student who graduated from MSUM to request a duplicate diploma
Used for a student who has fewer than 60 earned credits and plans to enroll in more than 18 credits for a semester, or a student with more than 60 earned credits and plans to enroll in more than 20 credits for a semester
Used for a graduate student who wants to appeal an academic event such as academic warning, probation or suspension, late course add/drop, degree requirements or a late withdrawal of enrollment
Used for a graduate student who has been put on academic warning, probation or suspension to determine a student success plan
Minnesota law (Chapter 135A, Section 135A.14) requires that all students born after 1956 must be immunized against Tetanus (Td or Tdap) completed within the last 10 years and a dose of a MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). Please provide these two vaccination dates on the immunization form.
Used for a student to get an incomplete grade with the intent they will finish the work for the course the following semester
Used to offer a student a regular course on an independent study basis
Used for a student to update their major, minor, and/or certificate
Used for a student wanting to appeal to register for a Metro College Alliance course (ex. course is offered at home institution, want to take more than one course through tri-college for the semester, etc.)
Used for a student wanting to register for a Metro College Alliance course
Used for a student to change their name (ex. last name due to marriage, divorce, etc.)
Used for a student to take a letter graded course on a pass/fail basis
Students may add or update your preferred name within eServices under Account Management/Name and Address Info.
Registration Permit
Students who want to register for a course after the semester’s free add/drop period will need to contact the instructor via email. The email needs to include student name, student id, semester, course subject/number, course id and # of credits (if variable credit course). If the instructor grants approval, they will reply to student’s email and copy in Registrar’s Office to process the registration.
Used to allow a student to give permission to release information to other parties
Used for a student to request to repeat a course
Used for a resident of Minnesota age 62 or older to register for courses at a reduced tuition rate
Used for a student to request their directory information to be suppressed
Used for a student to request a hearing to correct an inaccuracy in their education record
Used for a student to request to inspect and review their education records
Used for a student to appeal an academic decision (ex. late withdrawal, not meeting residence requirement, request a transfer course be LASC, waive a course, etc.)
Used for MSUM undergraduate students to request to register for graduate credits at MSUM