Larry Shellito Veterans Resource Center
Minnesota State University Moorhead welcomes Veterans, Service-Members and their families to our campus. At MSUM, we value the qualities of maturity, dedication, persistence, responsibility and leadership Veterans bring to our university.
Your range of experience gained from service to our country can add to our understanding of the world and our place in it. We understand you may be facing significant transitions and we want to facilitate your move from a tight-knit community of the armed forces to a strong, social support system at MSUM.
The Veterans Resource Center provides counseling, GI Bill certifications, tutorial assistance on maximizing your educational benefits and is concerned with recruiting Veterans and Veterans’ dependents.
ATTN: FTA guidelines requirements for MSUM are that you need to have your request for FTA completed 8 days before the start of your classes. If you are ND National Guard and plan on using STA along with FTA, you must also submit the STA request 8 days prior to the first day of class. If you have any questions please contact us.
MSU Moorhead is a recognized Beyond the Yellow Ribbon community as a military friendly campus. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is a comprehensive program that creates awareness for the purpose of connecting service members and their families with community support, training, services and resources.