Speaking of Service: Her Voice
Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 1:00 pm
Barry Auditorium
Christianson Alumni Center
Join us at 1:00 p.m. March 27, 2025, at the Christianson Alumni Center in the Barry Auditorium, 105. Hear the stories of four women connected to military service as they discuss their struggles and successes. Get ready to be inspired by their resilience and determination! Facebook | Dragon Central
- Welcome
- Panelist Introductions
- Formal Q&A facilitated by Danelle Wolnik, Assistant Veterans Resource Outreach Director
- Informal Audience Q&A
- Closing
First Sergeant Brea Binstock is the Company First Sergeant for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 164th Engineer Battalion in Minot, ND. She began her career in March 2003 with the North Dakota Army National Guard. She has completed three overseas deployments, two overseas training events, numerous stateside training events, and supported five domestic operations in the State of North Dakota. MSUM 2007 alum.
Sergeant First Class Amy Sleath is the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) Non-Commission Officer for Headquarters Support Company, 141st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade in Fargo, ND. She joined the Active Duty Army and began Initial Entry Training in 2001. Her duty station included Fort Carson, CO; Hawaii; San Antonia, TX; Korea; and El Paso, TX. She joined the North Dakota Army National Guard in 2016 and will reach 20 years of service in December 2025. MSUM 2020 alum.
Brenda Norris is the Executive Director of Facilities Management at Minnesota State University Moorhead. She is a US Army Reserve Veteran with service from 1986-1992. She was deployed in support of the Persian Gulf War from 1990–1991.
Fatima Ceron Parada is a Cannon Crewmember in Charlie Battery of the 1st Battalion, 151st Field Artillery in the Minnesota Army National Guard. She joined the Minnesota Army National Guard in January 2023. Fatima is a current MSUM student majoring in Healthcare Management and Leadership.

Dragon Veterans & Military-Connected Student Resources & Services Fair
The MSU Moorhead Veteran Success Team is excited to invite you to our annual Dragon Veterans & Military-Connected Student Resources & Services Fair! The fair will feature a large variety of on and off campus services for military-connected students and their families from the Moorhead, Fargo and West Fargo community.
We have 25 off campus partners and 18 on campus partners tabling at the event. The plan is to start off the fair by posting the colors. The bookstore will be selling Salute-To-Service apparel. There will be snacks and beverages available throughout the fair.
Participating Organizations
Off-Campus Organizations:
- Clay County VSO
- Cass County VSO
- American Legion VSO
- NDDVA/American Veterans (AMVETS) VSO
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) VSO
- Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program (RMCEP)
- Military OneSource
- MNNG Family Specialist
- NDNG Family Specialist
- NDNG Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator
- Fargo VET Center
- ND Job Service VET/DVOP
- ND Job Service WIOA
- MN CareerForce DVET/DVOP
- MN Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV)
- ND Military Outreach Services
- Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E)
- American Legion Post 21
- AMVETS Post 7
- Army ROTC
- NDSU Equine Services for Veterans
- RRV Community Action Partners
On-Campus Organizations:
- Academic Success Center
- Accessibility Resources
- Bookstore
- Business Services
- Career Development Center
- Counseling Services
- Dean of Students Office/CARE Team
- Dragon Student Veterans Club
- Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Office Housing & Residence Life
- American Indian Center (ODI)
- Intercultural Center (ODI)
- Rainbow Dragon Center (ODI)
- Women's Center (ODI)
- Registrar's Office (min SCO)
- Student Activities
- Veteran Success Center
- Wellness Center