Human Services Learning Community

You should live in this community if you are a declared Psychology, Social Studies Education, Social Work, Criminal Justice or Sociology major. This community provides these majors with opportunities to connect with faculty and other students who are not directly in the learning community and be part of the activities of related organizations. Social Work majors will utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills while showing compassion for marginalized populations. This Learning Community will also develop relationships with Human Services faculty members which will help you succeed and enhance your skills as a becoming social work professional. These opportunities directly impact your success and prepare you for a successful career. This community is located in South Snarr Hall.

Psychology Required Common Courses


  • COMM 111: Psychology LC First Year Experience (3 credits)
  • PSY 220: Social Behavior (3 credits)
  • BIOL 104: Human Biology (3 credits)



Social Work Required Common Courses


  • COMM 111: Social Work LC First Year Experience (3 credits)
  • SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
  • PSY 113: Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
  • ECON 100: The American Economy (3 credits)



Criminal Justice/Sociology Required Common Courses


All Majors

  • FYE 101: First Year Experience (1 credit)
  • SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)

Criminal Justice Majors

  • CJ 200: Introduction to Criminal Justice (4 credits)

Sociology & Leadership and Innovation in Aging Studies Majors

  • SOC 120: Social Psychology (3 credits)



As a member of the Human Services Learning Community, you will...

  • live with other students who have declared a human services related major.
  • take classes with students who live on your floor.
  • participate in organized study groups for Learning Community participants.
  • have an upper class psychology student as a Learning Community Mentor who is dedicated to providing you with various opportunities and academic support.
  • learn how to navigate through your years as a Human Services student.
  • be exposed to career options you will have with a Human Services related degree.
  • interact with faculty members who are dedicated to helping you achieve excellence in the classroom and beyond.
  • learn and visit different agencies within the Fargo-Moorhead community
  • develop relationships with upperclass social work students
  • participate in various service projects that help charities in the local community.