Residence Halls Main Desk Information

You can find residence hall desk hours, mailing addresses and phone numbers for all the residence halls below. If you are looking to send your student something special in the mail, remember to include the room number of the student/recipient on anything being sent to the halls.

What are the hours of the Residence Hall Main Desk?

Residence Halls Main Desk Hours

  • Monday - Thursday, 9am - 11am; 4pm - 9pm
    • All Desks
  • Friday  |  9am - 11am; 1pm - 8pm
    • Snarr
  • Friday  |  9am - 11am; 4pm - 8pm
    • Dahl, Grantham, Holmquist, John Neumaier
  • Saturday  |  1pm - 6pm
    • Dahl, Grantham, Holmquist, Snarr
    • John Neumaier CLOSED
  • Sunday  |  2pm - 9pm
    • All Desks

How do I call the Residence Hall Main Desk?

Residence Hall Main Desk Phone Numbers

Use the following phone numbers to reach the residence hall main desk.

  • Dahl Hall | 218.477.2180
  • Grantham Hall | 218.477.2210
  • Holmquist Hall | 218.477.5723
  • John Neumaier | 218.477.5017
  • Nelson Hall | 218.477.2210
  • Snarr Hall | 218.477.2145

How do I send my student mail and packages while they are living in the MSUM Residence Halls?

Use the following address to send mail and packages to MSUM residents. There is one mailbox for each room. Mailboxes are located on the first floor of each building at the hall desk. Packages that do not fit in a mailbox are held at the hall desk until residents can pick them up.

Mailing Address for Residence Halls

[Student Name]
[Room Number & Residence Hall Name]
Moorhead, MN 56563-[zip code extension]

Building Zip Code Extension Numbers:

  • Dahl Hall - 1020
  • Grantham Hall - 1040
  • Holmquist Hall - 1050
  • John Neumaier - 1090
  • Nelson Hall - 1030
  • Snarr Hall East - 1060
  • Snarr Hall South - 1070
  • Snarr Hall West - 1080