Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Matching Stories results

MSUM students and alumni power new university commercials
Current Minnesota State University Moorhead students are being featured in the university's latest commercials. These commercials were produced by local agency and creative studio Tellwell, which also employs several Dragon alumni.

Speech language pathology students offer hearing screenings to community
Connecting with the local community helps speech-language pathology graduate students refine their skills while providing needed services.

Student leaders champion diversity beyond the classroom
Student leaders of Student Council for Exceptional Children experience diversity outside of the classroom during volunteer opportunities and events.

An Impact You Can Hear
Dr. Jason Leyendecker (‘06) is the owner of Audiology Concepts. He discovered his passion for audiology while in MSUM's SLHS program.

Collaborative project prepares SLHS, special ed students for workplace
MSUM’s SLHS and special education students teamed up in an interprofessional project to strengthen their collaboration skills.

Speech pathology grad student explores the negative effects of screen time on young children
Miranda Hamman, a graduate student pursuing her master’s in speech pathology, created a project about the negative effects of screen time on young children, which she’ll present at the annual Student Academic Conference.

FM Sertoma and MSUM Speech Language Hearing Sciences, The Ideal Partnership
Speech Language Hearing Sciences staff, students and alumni recently celebrated the naming of the Fargo-Moorhead Sertoma Club Audio Suite.

Lof is Leaving a Legacy for Students
Gregg recently started an endowed scholarship in his name with the MSUM Foundation and also left an estate gift, ensuring that even after he passes away, students will be helped out financially for years to come.

Speech-language pathology student explores how cultural competence influences diagnoses of signed language disorders
An undergraduate degree requirement to study two semesters of a foreign language became the inspiration for Speech-Language Pathology graduate student Kelsey Thorsness’ portfolio project.

Regaining Voices
Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic is helping patients regain their voices as a SPEAK OUT!® and LOUD Crowd® provider.

Heart of Dragons
Grit. Humility. Heart. These are the defining characteristics of the students who pass through our front gates and triumph in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

The Lighthouse
Dale Wolf ’85 (history) and Beth (Grabinger) Wolf ’84 (speech language hearing sciences) and ’85 (speech language pathology & audiology) are partners in life and in work.