Social Work Dragon Stories
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Social work student honored with community service award
Eman Yassin, alum, current student, and advocate social worker was honored with the Virginia McKnight Binger Heart of Community Award.

First-generation student wins Sanford Scholarship
Social work student, Myrla Villa received the Sanford Health Equity in Education Scholarship for $5,000. As a home dialysis unit secretary for Sanford, Myrla’s heart for others shines in her interactions with patients and staff.

Addressing the Equity Gap: Survey sheds light on Native American student experiences
MSUM’s equity gap led Associate Professor of Educational Leadership Dr. Caitlin Johnson to request and receive funding to conduct a wellness survey of Native American students on campus. Thanks to a team of Native American student researchers organized by Dr. Johnson, the survey was conducted in the fall semester of 2023.

Juggling single parenthood, college with a village's support
Tara Carlson is a single parent and MSUM alum. She shares how she was able to balance parenting while being a college student.

Connecting Core Values
Angela Bellanger, director of MSUM’s Counseling Services, connects her native teachings from her youth to prosper in her work on campus.

Embracing service in recovery
Rebecca McCradie shares her journey to recovery through volunteer and service work within the White Earth Veterans Honor Guard.

Professional, personal growth motivate MSUM's first Master of Social Work cohort
MSUM welcomes its first Master of Social Work cohort, with students working to advance in their licensure, increase their earning potential, expand their skillsets, and even teach the next generation of social workers.

A SMART Start to College Life
For Chloe Flynn, making valuable connections in MSUM’s SMART Start program helped ease the transition from high school to college.

MSUM grad’s scholarship supports social work students
Ashley and Christopher Johnson, Ph.D., MSW, established the Gayel Marie Saude Scholarship Fund in 2022. The scholarship provides up to $2,500 annually to support social work students.

Level up with a graduate degree from MSU Moorhead
Robert Nava, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies at MSUM, writes about new master's programs that MSUM is adding in 2023.

Listen and Learn: How One Man Serves Area Women
Minnesota State University Moorhead alum Chris Johnson proudly serves area women as leader of The Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo-Moorhead.

"House Hunters" features MSUM international student alum Poonam Budhiraja with fellow Dragons
"House Hunters" featured MSUM alumni Poonam Budhiraja (2012, Broadcast Journalism and Film Studies), Jerry Griggs (2016, Business Administration and Management) and Alexa Dixson-Griggs (2015, Social Work) as Budhiraja showed the local couple houses to fit their growing family.