Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Rikki Fischer

Rikki Fischer is MSUM's new Assistant Professor of Counseling. She brings school counseling experience to the faculty and is teaching two sections of theory and internship for school counselors.

Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: I'm actually a Dragon through and through. I did my undergrad here, and I majored in psychology. I wanted to be a school counselor after graduation, but then you had to have a teaching degree. And I wasn't into being a teacher. Then I looked back into becoming a school counselor and applied for the program here. So, I got my master's in counseling, the program that I am now teaching in.

Q: Was there something that surprised you when you came back to MSUM?
A: As faculty, learning about all of the resources on campus. MSUM really sets up both undergraduate and graduate students for success, with resources like tutoring, the student success offices, and so much more. You come here, do the work, and have so many resources at your disposal. Counseling on campus-it just blew me away. .

Q: What energizes you at work?
A: I love so many aspects of my job as a school counselor. I love sharing what that looks like, the why behind it, and hearing from the students-their perspective. So, just being here on campus energizes me.

Q: What will we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
A:Hanging out with my son. He's five. We just do family activities. We have a Golden Retriever, so are outside as much as we can before the snow comes. I love spending time with my family and friends.

Q: What book are you currently reading?
A: I'm reading Sing Her Down. It's kind of a mystery-modern people said they couldn't put it down, but I'm having a hard time getting through it. I'm more of a rom-com reader. If I'm reading anything, it's probably by Abby Jimenez. She's a Minnesota writer and so good!

Q: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
A: To fly. Definitely flying-just go anywhere!

Q: What's the best advice you've ever been given?
A: To always be yourself-your authentic self. Also, years ago, I saw a quote in a bathroom that said, "Every person you meet knows something you don't. Learn from them." That's always stuck with me because it's so true. Rather than judge someone, learn from them.

Welcome to the #DragonFamily Rikki!

Master of Science in Counseling

Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Master of Science in Counseling is CACREP-accredited. The School Counseling emphasis is part of the Infuse Mental Health Project, which offers grant support for graduate study.  

Learn more about MS in Counseling

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