Welcome to the Dragon Community: Emma Eckberg
Emma Eckberg is MSUM's newest OAS Senior. When someone needs help from the Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid, Emma will answer their questions or direct students to someone who can help.
Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: I wanted to try something different, and this sounded like a cool position. I enjoy being able to help with scholarships and financial aid since it's something that has positively impacted my experiences.
Q: What's one thing that has surprised you about MSUM?
A: I was surprised by how many faces I knew already from other jobs and friends; I recognized lots of people in lots of different offices.
Q: How do you prefer to start your workday?
A: I like to listen to a podcast or audiobook as I'm getting ready in the morning. I also like to stop and get a coffee to make sure I'm energized for the day.
Q: What book are you currently reading?
A: "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord" by Celeste Connally. It's the first of two books and I'm re-reading this one before I move onto the second. You would probably like this book if you enjoyed "Bridgerton" but want a bit more mystery in your novels.
Q: What energizes you outside of work?
A: I'm the head umpire at Stonewall Sports. It's dodgeball season right now. I still go to those games, but I'm really excited for when things start to pick up in the spring.
Q: What's your go-to productivity trick?
A: I like to be able to move around tasks and balance out my emails and calls. The other cool thing I have started doing here is using separate desktops. I use it to organize all my different types of work.
Q: What is your favorite app?
A: I love the Libby app. You can connect your library card and get access to all their digital resources, like eBooks and audiobooks. I use this app every single day and I'm not sure I could live without it.
Welcome to the Dragon Community, Emma!
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