Welcome to the Dragon Community: Caleb Stubstad

Caleb Stubstad joins the Dragon Community as MSUM's newest Housing Coordinator, working with student staff, room assignments and billing processes for our residence halls.

Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: In college I was a resident assistant, and I really enjoyed that; I wanted to have a position that has that type of energy. When I had my on-campus interview I felt that energy and knew I wanted to be a part of that.

Q: What's one thing that surprised you about MSUM?
A: I went to a large state university; the size felt overwhelming at times and there were a lot of people I didn't know or couldn't interact with. At MSUM everyone feels accessible and a part of the same team.

Q: What's one thing you're learning now, and why is it important? 
A: How to be a better leader. This role involves a lot of supervision of student staff. I am working on not just stepping up and doing the work but leading other people to do work, so we can all grow skills and tackle bigger projects. 

Q: How do you prefer to start your workday?
A: Usually with a cup of coffee; people tend to be looking for us right at 8 a.m. so being ready to meet these students with a smile is very important.

Q: What's one thing people might not know about you?
A: I love to cook; it was originally what I thought I wanted to do with my life, but I realized I didn't want to do it as a job. Planning meals and trying new recipes is so fun. One of my favorite dishes to make is birria tacos from scratch. The process took me a full day, but it was so worth it.

Q: What's your favorite place to eat in Fargo-Moorhead?
A: That's such a hard question. It would've been BernBaum's; I miss it so much. Right now, it would probably be Blackbird Wood Fire Pizza or Plaza Azteca.

Q: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
A: I like fishing or just spending time at the lake with family. My parents met at the lake, so I have grandparents with neighboring lake cabins. Growing up, that's pretty much what I would do every weekend, too.

Q: What's your favorite social media platform?
A: YouTube for sure. I like to watch a lot of outdoors content. I like Outdoor Boys. It's about a dad in Alaska with his boys and their adventures. I also really enjoy the Lost Lakes channel.

Welcome to the Dragon Community Caleb!

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