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Showing 61 - 70 of 3743 results
Alumna Autumn Schaeffer shares why she chose to be an MSUM Dragon.
My closest friends are in Moorhead. My clothes and belongings are in Moorhead. My life is in Moorhead. I look back and realize that Moorhead has become my new home.
Get the inside story from current students about life as a college student and their intellectual, social, and personal experiences at MSUM.
As a campus tour guide and resident assistant, I get tons of questions about what living on campus is all about; specifically what the residence halls are like. I have the answers to your burning questions right here!
MSU Moorhead’s campus may be small in comparison to some other college campuses, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in beauty.
Student Leah Schmitt gives new students the inside scoop about what life is really like as an MSUM Dragon.
Over winter break, around 300 participants took advantage of MSUM's first-ever winter term. Students were able to take an online course at an accelerated fashion to get ahead of their degrees and lighten their course load during the academic year.
President Tim Downs advises students on what they can do to get the most out of their college experience. 
Sometimes when you need to make an important decision you need to check the cold, hard facts and figures. Fortunately, we keep a good record of the important things.
Getting ready for college can be daunting. Student Emma Harris provides nine tips to help make the transition easier.