Plain Foods Co-op Records (S4950)
Historical Sketch
The Plain Foods Co-op [Fargo, North Dakota] began in 1974 as a buying club, its members especially interested in organic foods and bulk samples. The club gradually evolved into a co-op business, “owned and operated by its customers,” for an individual had to be a member of the Co-op in order to purchase food at the store. Through the years, the Co-op published a newsletter and expanded its operations, although the membership still remained fairly small.
Collection Description
The collection contains the Co-op’s constitution and by-laws, brochures and other advertising, membership information, meeting minutes, work schedules, and issues of the Co-op newsletter. All material is in good condition.
Box 1
- Brochures and Advertising
- Common Health Warehouse Cooperative Association Handbook. 1981
- Constitution/By-Laws/Articles. 1988
- Co-op
- Management and Worker Schedule. 1987-
- Restaurant Meeting Minutes. 1988
- Core and General Membership Meetings. 1981
- Democratic Management Seminar. 1988
- Food Policy Survey
- Membership manuals
- Miscellaneous
- Plain Talk (Newsletter). 1980, 1986-