Financial Aid Offers

Our goal is for you to receive all gift money first and have minimum loan and work burdens. We review your grant eligibility first, federal or state work study second, and then loan eligibility.

We will notify you by an email to your account when your financial aid offer is available in eServices. You can accept, reduce, or decline federal student loans and work-study funding. Grants are automatically accepted. No action is necessary. Private student loans require a separate application to the lender of your choice.

Your financial aid offer may be revised if you receive additional resources such as scholarships, tuition waivers, or third-party funds that were not included in your original financial aid offer. Notify our office if this applies to you.

You have the option to request a review of your financial aid application if the information on the FAFSA is no longer an accurate reflection of you or your family's situation. This review is called a professional judgment appeal. There are two types of appeals:

  • Special Circumstance appeals refer to changes to a student's or parent financial circumstances since the FAFSA was filed. Examples include an involuntary loss of employment or pay reduction, one-time income received, the death of a parent or spouse, or divorce after the FAFSA was filed. Submit a Special Circumstances Form if this applies to you.
  • Unusual Circumstances appeals refer to conditions that justify changes to a your dependency status such as human trafficking, parental abandonment, or incarceration. If you are experiencing unusual circumstances, contact our office for more information.

2024-2025 Students Guide to Financial Aid