Online Social Work Admission & Application Requirements

The online Bachelor of Social Work has a cohort model for completing your degree. Course delivery will be delivered online asynchronously. The School of Social Work considers only complete applications for admission, and applications should be submitted the semester prior to admission. A new online cohort will begin every fall semester. Students within a 200-mile radius will come to campus approximately one weekend day a month. Students outside of a 200-mile radius will attend synchronously online via Zoom.

Students who do not meet admission requirements may apply for Provisional Admission (PA).

The online BSW is a cohort program with fall program starts. You will be admitted and progress through a set and predetermined schedule with the same group of students. Your individualized plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements. Check your Financial Aid as it may require specific term credits for full-time funding. You must complete all university and program requirements successfully to complete this degree (GPA-MUSM and Major; 120 credits; LASC; WI; and field placement/internship).

  1. Admission to MSUM
    The details for applying and admission to MSUM are identified on the How to Apply page. Once you are admitted declare the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) as your major.
  2. Complete BSW Online Program Prerequisite Credits and Courses
    • Because the MSUM SSW cannot guarantee a completely online experience for all MSUM courses and related required coursework, the SSW BSW Online program requires that students have completed 74 credits PRIOR to admission into the SW Online program to ensure a full-time online pathway (consult MSUM BSW Online Program Director for questions regarding this requirement)
    • Prior credits must include the following:
      • MSUM LASC Requirements – completed
      • MSUM Writing Intensive Requirements – completed (The SW major will fulfill TWO Writing Intensive requirements with the following courses: SW 415 and SW 460)
      • Prior credits must also include the following Social Work-related requirements:
        • Human Biology (BIO 104), General Psychology (PSY 113), Developmental Psychology (PSY 202), Introduction to Sociology (SOC 110), American Economy (Econ 100), American/National Government (Pol 120), Methods and Statistics for Social Research (SOC 350).
      • Additionally, transfer students who transfer in with an AA degree must still meet MSUM’s Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum (LASC) requirements for Human Diversity and Global Perspective. If the transfer classes do not include these courses, the Transfer Student may take one category 7 course and one category 8 course or other substitute courses approved by the Social Work Department. Consult with your MSUM Advisor to assist with this planning.
    • Application GPA: You must have an MSUM or transfer GPA of 2.5 or higher. You must have a C or higher in any SW course work you may have previously taken.
    • Admission GPA: All prerequisite courses must be completed with final grades and official transcripts prior to the social work online cohort term start in the fall*.
      • The major GPA must be 2.5 or higher; no core SW courses below a C.
      • If any prerequisite is not completed or does not meet the criteria, the offer of admission may be rescinded.
        *Please contact us and discuss dual enrollment options if you are transferring and won’t graduate from your institution until after the Fall semester.

Apply for fall admission into the School of Social Work online BSW degree program.

Admission Requirements

  • The applicant must document a grade of “C” or higher in All Social Work courses and a passing grade in all related requirements.
    1. A transcript/DARS will be used to verify meeting this requirement. Student’s transcript will be reviewed again before the Fall cohort begins to ensure continued good-standing with admission requirements.
  • The applicant must document an MSUM GPA of 2.5 or higher and a Coursework in Major GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of application for admission.
    1. Transfer students should refer to Credit Transfer which discusses transfer GPAs.
  • The applicant must document completion or current enrollment in related required coursework prerequisites:
    1. Human Biology (BIO 104), General Psychology (PSY 113), Developmental Psychology (PSY 202), Introduction to Sociology (SOC 110), American Economy (Econ 100), American/National Government (Pol 120), Methods and Statistics for Social Research (SOC 350)
      • Pre-approved equivalents at other institutions are possible; but when in doubt, provide the course’s syllabus for a pre-admission review.
  • The applicant must upload a copy of their current DARS
  • If Transfer applicants have taken SW 250 (Intro to SW) previously, they must document a completion of a minimum of 15 hours of supervised human service experience.
    1. This can be volunteer or paid, but must be done POST HIGH SCHOOL within the past 10 years, and PRIOR TO TRANSFER; and
    2. Must also submit their Supervisor’s Performance Evaluation form as part of the Application.
  • In the event that the admissions committee feels additional information is required, the committee may ask for additional documentation and/or a personal interview with the applicant.
  • Attend to all application instructions; incomplete applications are not reviewed.

Please make sure you have read and reviewed all the admission requirements and decision information above before you submit the application for the BSW Online.

BSW Online Application

Admission is limited, only 20 students will be accepted per semester start. It is advised that all applicants also consider a parallel plan. The application process is rolling throughout spring and summer semesters. Eligible students will be accepted on a “first come” priority basis. Please complete your application early to be given priority consideration and acceptance.

  • Applicants that are offered a spot in the program are required to accept admission to the program by the date stated in the formal offer letter. If they do not accept by the deadline, their application may be canceled.
  • Qualified applicants that are not offered a spot in the program but are offered a spot on the waitlist will need to accept their spot on the waitlist by the date stated in the offer letter. If they do not accept by the deadline, their application may be canceled.
  • Background Checks
    You will be asked if you have ever been convicted of an adult offense other than a minor traffic violation. If so, please be advised that arrests, charges, or convictions of some criminal offenses may limit or prohibit entirely professional licensure and/or employment possibilities (See Minn. Stat. 135A.157). It is a student’s responsibility to check with the Board of Social Work Examiners and their state's Department of Human Services for information on specific situations.
  • Students who do not meet admission requirements should contact the Online BSW Program Director for Provisional Admission (PA) information.