Contact Business Analytics

Please use one of the methods below to contact the MSUM Business Analytics program or to request information.


Local: 218.477.4646


Center for Business 207A
721 11th Street South
Moorhead, MN 56563

Mailing Address

Paseka School of Business | PO Box 76
MSU Moorhead
1104 7th Avenue South
Moorhead, MN 56563

College & Department

College of Business, Analytics & Communication | Paseka School of Business

Program Coordinator & Administrative Assistant

Kwame Addey, PhD, MS, MPhil, BSc
Assistant Professor of Business Analytics
Paseka School of Business
CB 207R
Dr. Kwame Addey is an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at Minnesota State Univers...

Bonnie Baumgardner
OAS Intermediate
Paseka School of Business | Professional Management Department
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2488218.477.2488
CB 207

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