Biochemistry & Biotechnology 4-Year Degree Plan

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your BS in Biochemistry and Biotechnology degree in a timely manner. The plan below is one of several possible ways for you to complete the Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your BS in Biochemistry and Biotechnology with Biological Chemistry emphasis degree in a timely manner. The plan below is one of several possible ways for you to complete the Biochemistry and Biotechnology with Biological Chemistry emphasis degree. Your individualized plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements. Check your Financial Aid as it may require additional term credits for full-time funding. You must complete all university and program requirements successfully to complete this degree (GPA, 120 credits, LASC, WI, residency).

  • Program: Bachelor of Science: Biochemistry & Biotechnology with Biological Chemistry Emphasis
  • Total Credits: 120
  • Catalog: 2024-2025

First Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (1st Fall)
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 CHEM 150 General Chemistry I Lecture 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 31 CHEM 150L General Chemistry I Lab 1
Graduation Requirement: First-Year Experience Course FYE 101 First Year Experience 1
LASC Goal 21     3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 BIOL 115/115L Organismal Biology with Lab 4
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 42 MATH 261 Calculus I 4
Total Credits: 16
Spring (1st Spring)
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 CHEM 210 General Chemistry II Lecture 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 31 CHEM 210L General Chemistry II Lab 1
Core Requirement: BCBT 220 Survey of BCBT Research and Methodology 1
Emphasis Requirement: LASC Goal 4 MATH 262 Calculus II 4
LASC Goal 1B ENGL 101 English Composition 4
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 BIOL 111/111L Cell Biology with Lab 3
Total Credits: 15


  • 1 CHEM 275 can be taken in place of either general chemistry lab and counts as a LASC 2. Students in LC will either take Biol 100 or Chem 275
  • 2 ACT math score is needed to inform whether a student should begin directly in calculus or a lower math class.


Second Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (2nd Fall)
Core Requirement: CHEM 350 Organic Chemistry I Lecture 3
Core Requirement: CHEM 355 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 PHYS 200 Physics I with Calculus and Lab 4
Core Requirement: BIOL 341/341L Genetics with Lab 4
Core Requirement: BCBT 360 Team-Based BCBT Research 3
Total Credits: 15
Spring (2nd Spring)
Core Requirement: CHEM 360 Organic Chemistry II Lecture 3
Core Requirement: CHEM 365 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
Emphasis Requirement:5 CHEM 380/380L Analytical Chemistry I with Lab 4
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 PHYS 201 Physics II with Calculus and Lab 4
Core Requirement: BIOL 385/385L Molecular Biology with Lab 4
Total Credits: 16


  • 5 CHEM 480 may be taken instead.


Third Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (3rd Fall)
LASC Goal/WI Elective     3
LASC Goal Elective     3
Core Requirement: CHEM 400 Biochemistry I 3
Core Requirement: CHEM 405 Biochemistry I Lab 1
Core Requirement: Biology Elective7 BIOL 323/323L Human Anatomy with Lab 4
Total Credits: 14
Spring (3rd Spring)
Core Requirement: CHEM 410 Biochemistry II 3
Emphasis Requirement: CHEM 450 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics 3
Core Requirement: Physiology Elective9 BIOL 349/349L Human Physiology with Lab 4
LASC Goal/WI Elective     5
Total Credits: 15


  • 7 Other classes such as BIOL 350/350L, BIOL 365/365L or BIOL 430 can be taken instead
  • 9 Other physiology classes such as BIOL 347/347L or BIOL 360/360L can be taken instead



Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (4th Fall)
Emphasis Requirement: CHEM 300 Inorganic Chemistry 3
Restricted Electives:3     3
LASC Goal Elective4     4
LASC Goal/WI Elective4     4
Total Credits: 14
Spring (4th Spring)
Core Requirement: Biotechniques Elective-WI for major6 BCBT 463 Proteomics 3
Emphasis Requirement: BCBT 497 Senior Research Thesis 1
Emphasis Requirement: BCBT 450 Biophysical Chemistry 3
Elective:     4
Elective:     4
Total Credits: 15


  • 3 Consult with an advisor as the list of possible electives is extensive.
  • 4 In considering electives, keep in mind that all of the Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum requirements must be fulfilled.
  • 6 Other biotechniques courses numbered BCBT 461-464 may be taken. Only one biotechniques course is taught per semester on a 2 year rotation so plan accordingly.
  • 8 Classes like HIST 374/379 (5/10/WI), HIST 105 (5/8), POL 160 (5/8), POL 120 (5/9), ENGL 407 (6/10), PHIL 215/311/312/318 (6/9/WI?), PHIL 102/120/235 (6/7), MUS 240 (6/7), PHIL 302 (6/8) double count. The right set of 4 of these takes out all required LASC 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 + 2WI.

*Official degree requirements can only be found in the MSUM Bulletin/Catalog. The information on this webpage is a high-level overview of the degree. Please refer to the bulletin for up-to-date requirements.


The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your BS in Biochemistry and Biotechnology with Molecular Biology emphasis degree in a timely manner. The plan below is one of several possible ways for you to complete the Biochemistry and Biotechnology with Molecular Biology emphasis degree. Your individualized plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements. Check your Financial Aid as it may require additional term credits for full-time funding. You must complete all university and program requirements successfully to complete this degree (GPA, 120 credits, LASC, WI, residency).

  • Program: Bachelor of Science: Biochemistry & Biotechnology with Molecular Biology Emphasis
  • Total Credits: 120
  • Catalog: 2024-2025

First Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (1st Fall)
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 CHEM 150 General Chemistry I Lecture 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 31 CHEM 150L General Chemistry I Lab 1
Graduation Requirement: First-Year Experience Course FYE 101 First Year Experience 1
LASC Goal 21     3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 BIOL 115/115L Organismal Biology with Lab 4
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 42 MATH 261 Calculus I 4
Total Credits: 16
Spring (1st Spring)
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 CHEM 210 General Chemistry II Lecture 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 31 CHEM 210L General Chemistry II Lab 1
Core Requirement: BCBT 220 Survey of BCBT Research and Methodology 1
Emphasis Requirement: LASC Goal 43 MATH 262 Calculus II 4
LASC Goal 1B ENGL 101 English Composition 4
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 BIOL 111/111L Cell Biology with Lab 3
Total Credits: 15


  • 1 CHEM 275 can be taken in place of either general chemistry lab and counts as a LASC 2. Students in LC will either take Biol 100 or Chem 275.
  • 2 ACT math score is needed to inform whether a student should begin directly in calculus or a lower math class.
  • 3 Students may take BIOL 275 or MATH 234 instead.


Second Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (2nd Fall)
Core Requirement: CHEM 350 Organic Chemistry I Lecture 3
Core Requirement: CHEM 355 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 PHYS 200 Physics I with Calculus and Lab 4
Core Requirement: BIOL 341/341L Genetics with Lab 4
Core Requirement: BCBT 360 Team-Based BCBT Research 3
Total Credits: 15
Spring (2nd Spring)
Core Requirement: CHEM 360 Organic Chemistry II Lecture 3
Core Requirement: CHEM 365 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
Emphasis Requirement:5 CHEM 380/380L Analytical Chemistry I with Lab 4
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 3 PHYS 201 Physics II with Calculus and Lab 4
Core Requirement: BIOL 385/385L Molecular Biology with Lab 4
Total Credits: 16


  • 5 Students may take CHEM 300, a fall class, instead.


Third Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (3rd Fall)
LASC Goal/WI Elective     3
LASC Goal Elective     3
Core Requirement: CHEM 400 Biochemistry I 3
Core Requirement: CHEM 405 Biochemistry I Lab 1
Core Requirement: Biology Elective7 BIOL 323/323L Human Anatomy with Lab 4
Total Credits: 14
Spring (3rd Spring)
Core Requirement: CHEM 410 Biochemistry II 3
Core Requirement: Physiology Elective9 BIOL 349/349L Human Physiology with Lab 4
LASC Goal/WI Elective     5
LASC Goal Elective     4
Total Credits: 15


  • 7 Other classes such as BIOL 350/350L, BIOL 365/365L or BIOL 430 cam be taken instead.
  • 9 Other physiology classes such as BIOL 347/347L or BIOL 360/360L can be taken instead.



Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (4th Fall)
Emphasis Requirement: Biology Elective11     3
Restricted Electives:11     3
Elective4     4
Elective4     4
Total Credits: 14
Spring (4th Spring)
Core Requirement:6 BCBT 463 Proteomics 3
Emphasis Requirement:10 BCBT 450 Biophysical Chemistry 3
Electives:4     9
Total Credits: 15


  • 4 In considering electives, keep in mind that all of the Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum requirements must be fulfilled.
  • 6 Other biotechniques courses numbered BCBT 461-464 may be taken. Only one biotechniques course is taught per semester on a 2 year rotation so plan accordingly.
  • 8 Classes like HIST 374/379 (5/10/WI), HIST 105 (5/8), POL 160 (5/8), POL 120 (5/9), ENGL 407 (6/10), PHIL 215/311/312/318 (6/9/WI?), PHIL 102/120/235 (6/7), MUS 240 (6/7), PHIL 302 (6/8) double count. The right set of 4 of these takes out all required LASC 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 + 2WI.
  • 10 CHEM 450 may be taken instead.
  • 11 Consult with an advisor as the list of possible electives is extensive.

*Official degree requirements can only be found in the MSUM Bulletin/Catalog. The information on this webpage is a high-level overview of the degree. Please refer to the bulletin for up-to-date requirements.