Internships Experiential Learning Opportunities

Internships provide outstanding opportunities for students to work in a professional environment, learn new skills and help their employers complete challenging projects.

You will gain valuable, real-world experience and explore careers that match your academic and personal interests. This practical experience reinforces a commitment to the profession, helps you narrow a career path and elevates your professional ethics and values.

Internships may be credit or non-credit bearing, paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time, taken for a short duration or over the course of a year. While not required, many of our students complete an internship, which is often a valuable and dynamic learning experience. Many employers consider internships during the hiring process and look to their interns as the best candidates for full-time positions.

The following items show the benefits of participating in a professional internship:  

  • Developing professional skills in teamwork, time management and interpersonal communication.
  • Gaining insight into the business field and narrowing a career path.
  • Integrating knowledge gained in the classroom with a growing understanding of the work environment.
  • Building professional networking contacts and mentoring relationships.
  • Acquiring experience and skills to enhance personal growth and self-confidence.
  • Sharing real-world work experiences with other students.
  • Growing into a viable, marketable job applicant when seeking full-time employment.

Internship Employers

If you would like to explore hiring an intern from the MSUM Paseka School of Business, contact the internship coordinator at The Paseka School of Business include Accounting; Business Administration, Business Analytics and Finance.