Admission to the Paseka School of Business

MSUM students must apply for admission to the Paseka School of Business to enroll in all upper-level (300 or above) Paseka School of Business courses except ACCT 230 & 231. The courses FINC 340, MGMT 260, and MKTG 270 require completion of 40 semester hours before enrollment. You must complete the Application for Admission and meet the following admission requirements:

  1. An overall GPA of 2.50, which includes all MSUM courses and courses accepted in transfer.
  2. Completed or be currently enrolled in the following MSUM courses (or equivalent courses accepted in transfer):
    • ACCT 230 & 231
    • COMM 100
    • CSIS 104
    • ECON 202 & 204
    • ENGL 101
    • MATH 234
  3. The student has agreed to the Paseka School of Business Integrity Oath.

To review your completed courses and GPA, please access your Degree Audit.

Paseka School of Business Integrity Oath

As a student who has met the requirements for Admission to the Paseka School of Business, I believe in fostering an academic environment where competition is fair, integrity is promoted, and academic dishonesty is punished. As a member of the Minnesota State University Moorhead academic community, I voluntarily pledge my support for knowing and abiding by Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Student Policies, found in the Student Handbook and reproduced below, that exemplify ethical behavior in the academic setting.

Academic Honesty
The University expects all students to represent themselves in an honest fashion. In academic work, students are expected to present original ideas and give credit for the ideas of others. The value of a college degree depends on the integrity of work completed by the student. When an instructor has convincing evidence of cheating or plagiarism, a failing grade may be assigned for the course in which the student cheated. When a failing grade is assigned for this reason, the instructor shall report the offense, the evidence, and their action to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. If the instructor (or any other person) feels the seriousness of the offense warrants additional action, the incident may be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Resolution.

Unethical behavior in the academic setting includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism and computer misuse, which are defined below:

The term "cheating" includes, but is not limited to:

  • use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations in the classroom or online learning environment; or
  • use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or
  • acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of MSUM faculty or staff; or
  • engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or class discussion.

The term "plagiarism" includes, but is not limited to:

  • the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; or
  • the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials or misrepresentation of student work in an online environment (i.e. submitting work prepared by someone else).

The term "computer misuse" is theft or other abuse of computer hardware or software, including, but not limited to Minnesota statues (609.87, 609.89):

  • unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read or change the contents or for any other purpose; or
  • unauthorized transfer of a file; or
  • unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password; or
  • use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or University official; or
  • use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive messages; or
  • use of computer facilities to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system; or
  • theft or damage to computer equipment, software, electronic mail or computer process.

Non-business majors seeking a Paseka School of Business minor must declare their intent in writing to the Chair of the Paseka School of Business. You may enroll in ACCT 304, FIN 340, MGMT 360, and/or MKTG 310 if you have completed at least 40 credits by the time of registration and meet specific course prerequisites. Enrollment in other upper-level Paseka School of Business courses will require that a "program override" be obtained from the Chair of the Paseka School of Business. A maximum of 21 upper-level Paseka School of Business credits may be taken without applying for admission to the Paseka School of Business. If you decide to pursue a Paseka School of Business major, you must:

  • Apply for admission to the Paseka School of Business
  • Enroll in at least 50 percent of the business credits (Core + Major) at MSUM after admission.

Several courses offered by the Paseka School of Business have been identified by other departments as required or elective courses for students in non-business programs. You may complete a maximum of 21 upper-level credits without seeking Paseka School of Business admission and enroll in upper-level Paseka School of Business courses as follows:

  • Students who have completed 40 semester credits and who also meet the specific course prerequisites may register for the following courses without any special permission: ACCT 304, FIN 340, MGMT 360, MKTG 310.
  • Students whose departments/programs have identified other upper-level accounting or business courses as required or elective courses may obtain a "program override" either from the Chair of their major department or from the Paseka School of Business chair. Students are expected to have at least junior standing and meet course prerequisites when taking each course.
  • Students who wish to take an upper-level accounting or business course but are not required to do so by their major may take the course if they meet the course prerequisites. A "program override" will need to be obtained from Paseka School of Business chair. Students are expected to have at least junior standing when taking each course.
  • Any student who believes that his or her admission to the program or registration for an upper-level accounting or business course was not evaluated properly may file an appeal with the Dean of the College of Business, Analytics and Communication. The Dean's decision shall be final.

Students who subsequently decide to seek a Paseka School of Business major must:

  • Apply for admission to the Paseka School of Business.
  • Enroll in at least 50 percent of the business credits (Core + Major) at MSUM after admission.