Sports Communication Minor

The minor in Sports Communications is designed to introduce students to Sports Communications and develop one's skills in verbal and visual storytelling.

Sports Communications Minor Requirements

Sports Communications Minor Courses

Total Credits: 18

Core Requirements (18 credits)

  • COMM 210 Media Writing (3)
  • COMM 220 Layout and Typography I (3)
  • COMM 353 Audio and Video Production Online (3)
  • COMM 380 Foundations of Sports Communication (3)
  • COMM 381 Sports Information and the Media (3)
  • COMM 382 Sports Promotions (3)


  • Develop an awareness and understanding of the analytical process used to design a response to defined sports communications situation.
  • Demonstrate an entry-level, professional proficiency in composing sports communication messaging designed to share information with a target public.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work collaboratively with others in producing a sports communication initiative.

Questions? Contact Us

Denise Gorsline, MA, BS
School of Communication & Journalism
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.4623218.477.4623
MA 260A

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