Meet LASC Goals during Summer Session

Summer Session online courses include many classes that fulfill multiple Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum (LASC) goals, upper division courses and Writing Intensive (WI) requirements. Online chemistry and science classes with lab include the popular science of cooking and crime scene science. Check your degree audit report to see how a triple or double win class can help you complete your graduation requirements faster. Summer LASC courses fill quickly with new classes added daily. Find your up-to-date summer class offerings for each LASC goal below.

Courses that meet four graduation requirements

Course # Class Title Dates Offered WI LASC
CHEM 304 The Environment & You
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  3, 10
CHEM 304 The Environment & You (Honors Program)
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  3, 10
HIST 374 Plagues & Peoples: Disease & the Environment - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  5, 10
HIST 379 Environmental History
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  5, 10
HUM 320 Humanities East and West
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
  6, 8
PHIL 311 Morals and Medicine - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
  6, 9
PHIL 318 Professional Ethics - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
  6, 9
WS 312 Rhetorics of Resistance: Feminist Responses from the Humanities - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  6, 7
WS 420 Feminism in Global Perspective
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  5, 8
WS 420 Feminism in Global Perspective
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
  5, 8


Courses that meet three graduation requirements

Course # Class Title Dates Offered WI LASC
ART 345 Art of Social & Environmental Justice
Dates Offered
May 21-June 26
BIOL 406 DNA as Destiny: Genetics and Society
Dates Offered
May 21-June 26
CM 327 Sustainability in the Built Environment
Dates Offered
May 21-June 26
CM 327 Sustainability in the Built Environment
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
COMM 310 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
Dates Offered
May 21-July 7
CSIS 316 Ethics in the Information Age
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
GEOS 305 Oceanography
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
  3, 10
GEOS 320 Economic Geography
Dates Offered
May 21-August 1
MUS 345 Women in Musical Culture
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  6, 7
SUST 485 Global Health Perspectives (Section 1) - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-July 15
SUST 485 Global Health Perspectives (Section 2) - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-July 15
SUST 485 Global Health Perspectives (Section 3)- FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-July 15
SUST 485 Global Health Perspectives (Section 4)
Dates Offered
May 21-July 15
WS 330 Gender, Justice and the Environment
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  10, 6
WS 345 Women in Musical Culture
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  6, 7
WS 406 DNA as Destiny: Genetics and Society
Dates Offered
May 21-June 26


Courses that meet two graduation requirements

Course # Class Title Dates Offered WI LASC
ANTH 311 American Indians & the Environment
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
ART 311 Pottery: Principles of Production and Design
BCBT 100 The Science of Cooking
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  3, 3L
BIOL 125 Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  3, 3L
BIOL 126 Human Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
  3, 3L
BIOL 346 An Ecological Perspective
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
CHEM 150 General Chemistry I
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  3, 3L
CHEM 210 General Chemistry II
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
  3, 3L
CJ 306 Gangs
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
ENGL 101 English Composition I - FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-July 7
ENGL 202 English Composition & Literature
Dates Offered
May 21-July 7
HIST 105 World History II
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  5, 8
MUS 240 American Music
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
  6, 7
NURS 342 Interdisciplinary Care of Diverse Populations- FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-July 15
PHIL 120 World Religions- FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
  6, 7
PHIL 215 Contemporary Moral Issues
Dates Offered
June 30-July 28
  6, 9
PHIL 340 Symbolic Logic
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
POL 120 American National Government and Politics
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  5, 9
POL 140 Political Statecraft
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
PSCI 170 Physical Science I- FULL waitlist available
Dates Offered
June 23-July 25
  3, 3L
PSY 324 Environmental Psychology
Dates Offered
May 21-June 18
SOC 319 Society and the Environment
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
WS 100 Women Today: Contemporary Women's Issues
Dates Offered
May 21-June 11
  6, 7
WS 100 Women Today: Contemporary Women's Issues
Dates Offered
June 16-July 8
  6, 7


Courses by LASC goal

Goal Area 1A: Oral Communication

Goal Area 1B: Written Communication

Goal Area 2: Critical Thinking

Goal Area 3: Natural Sciences

Goal Area 3L: Natural Sciences with Lab

Goal Area 4: Mathematics & Logical Reasoning

Goal Area 5: History & the Social & Behavioral Sciences

Goal Area 6: The Humanities & Fine Arts

Goal Area 7: Human Diversity

Goal Area 8: Global Perspective

Goal Area 9: Ethic & Civic Responsibility

Goal Area 10: People & the Environment

Writing Intensive (WI)