Contact the Office of the President

Please use one of the methods below to contact the Office of the President or to request information:


Contact President Tim Downs

President Event Request

To request President Downs to speak and/or host an event, complete the President Speaking Engagement Request Form.


Local: 218.477.2243
Fax: 218.477.5093

Mailing Address

MSU Moorhead Office of the President
PO Box 64
Moorhead, MN 56563


Owens Hall 203
812 11th Street South
Moorhead, MN 56563

President's Office Staff

Timothy (Tim) Downs, Ph.D., M.A., B.A.
Presidents Office
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2243218.477.2243
OW 203

Kathleen (Kathy) Lehn
Assistant to the President
Presidents Office
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2243218.477.2243
OW 203