Student Accommodations Procedure

Custodian of Policy: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

Relevant Policy: Student Accommodations Policy

Effective Date: December 2024

Last Review: Fall 2024

Next Review: Fall 2031

Section 1. Purpose

This procedure sets forth the processes and courses of action the institution will take to adhere to those standards set forth in the Student Accommodation Policy, as well as student responsibilities.

Section 2. Definitions

  • Access and/or accessibility: The quality of being reached, entered, obtained, used, or understood in the same or equivalent degree and timeframe as for others.
  • Disability: A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
  • Employees: [Insert name of institution] personnel including all faculty, staff, administrators, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, and student employees.
  • Visitors/Community Members/Volunteers: Anyone not otherwise affiliated with the institution that requires access to college/university information, spaces (physical and virtual), and/or events.
  • Student: An individual who has been admitted to the institution and is enrolled in courses.
  • Prospective Student: An individual who may apply to and, if admitted, attend courses at the institution later.
  • Self-Identification: The individual recognizes they have a disability/condition and chooses to share additional information related to the disability/condition with staff at the institution to receive accommodations.

Section 3. Procedure

A. Request for Accommodations


Institutional Responsibilities

  • The institution shall share information and offer students the opportunity to self-identify with all students, prospective students, and visitors regarding accommodations and other assistance available to students with disabilities. This information will be at a minimum shared on the institution's public website, during the application process, during student orientation, in course syllabi, and in course catalogs.

Student Responsibilities

  • The first part of this process is to self-identify as a student with a disability/condition requesting accommodations. Students attending a post-secondary institution who are seeking accommodations are responsible for identifying themselves to the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services as a person with a disability/condition/impairment. Students may request accommodations at any time before or during a semester. It is recommended that students make their request as soon as possible to avoid delays in implementing certain types of accommodation, such as alternative format materials, captioning, and/or interpreting services.


Institutional Responsibilities

  • The institution may ask that each student requesting accommodation complete an initial form (paper or electronic) that includes the student’s identity information and information about their disability/condition and/or accommodation needs.
  • During the interactive process it may become apparent that additional information is needed to better understand a particular need or request. The Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services may request that a student provide documentation from a qualified professional to help determine accommodations that are reasonable and effective for the student. *Note that the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services may offer an equally effective alternative accommodation and does not have to approve any or all accommodations recommended by a qualified professional. The Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services may provide temporary or provisional accommodations for a set period (such as one semester) to allow the student enough time to get any necessary documentation.
  • The institution may also request documentation to verify eligibility. Individuals with apparent disabilities are not required to provide documentation to verify eligibility. The following are acceptable forms of documentation:
    • Individualized Education Program (IEP).
    • Section 504 plan documentation. o Service record from other educational institutions.
    • Evaluation from qualified health or service professionals.
    • Disability record from another institution.
    • Military service-related disability documentation.
    • Additional information from qualified professionals for new accommodations or when previous documents such as IEPs or 504 plans were not in effect immediately before the individual exited high school.

Student Responsibilities

  • As a part of the self-identification process, students will need to share information about themselves, including their disability/condition and how it impacts them in an academic environment. Part of this disclosure may include providing documents that confirm eligibility or help staff better understand student needs. Acceptable forms of documentation to confirm eligibly include:
    • Individualized Education Program (IEP).
    • Section 504 plan documentation.
    • Service record from other educational institutions.
    • Evaluation from qualified health or service professionals.
    • Disability record from another institution.
    • Military service-related disability documentation.
    • Additional information from qualified professionals for new accommodations or when previous documents such as IEPs or 504 plans were not in effect immediately before the individual exited high school.

Interactive Process

Institutional Responsibilities

  • Staff from Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services will engage in an interactive process with the student or prospective student. This process allows the staff member and the student to work together to understand the functional limitations the student experiences and determine the most appropriate and reasonable accommodations that ensure equitable access to their learning environment, activities, campus programs, etc.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students are responsible for engaging with staff from the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services in an interactive process. This is a conversation with the student that allows the staff member and the student to work together to understand the student’s needs and determine the most appropriate and reasonable accommodations that ensure equitable access to their learning environment, activities, campus programs, etc.

Notice of Denial

Institutional Responsibilities

  • Students who have been denied accommodation will receive written notification from the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services with the reason the particular accommodation cannot be provided. Reasons may include:
    • Accommodation was requested retroactively o Accommodation requested was not reasonable
    • Accommodation was not related to the student’s disability
    • Accommodation would create an undue administrative or financial burden
    • Accommodation would fundamentally alter essential elements of a course or program.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students have a right to know when and why an accommodation was denied. The institution is responsible for providing this information to the student.

Renewal of Accommodations

Institutional Responsibilities

  • The institution shall not require students with approved and established accommodations to provide documentation confirming their eligibility. However, the institution may require students to inform the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services of their need for an accommodation letter each semester. At Minnesota State University Moorhead, this is done by email communication and/or request processes on the Accessibility Resources homepage.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students with approved and established accommodations are not required to provide documentation confirming their eligibility at Minnesota State University Moorhead. However, students may be required to inform the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services of their need for an accommodation letter each semester. At Minnesota State University Moorhead, this is done by email and/or request processes on the Accessibility Resources homepage.

Delivery of the Accommodation Letter

Institutional Responsibilities

  • The institution is responsible for documenting the approved accommodations for each student. How that information is shared with faculty may vary from one campus to another. At Minnesota State University Moorhead accommodations letters are typically sent directly to students via email for them to distribute to faculty.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students at Minnesota State University Moorhead will email approved accommodation letters when requested to students for their distribution to faculty. It is then the responsibility of the student to share a copy of that letter (either electronically or printed hard copy) with the faculty teaching courses they are needing accommodations in. At that time the student is also responsible for making the faculty aware of the specific accommodations from their official letter that will be needed in that specific course.


Institutional Responsibilities

  • The college/university shall have an internal concern/complaint process to address student concerns/complaints related to student accommodations. An ADA Grievance Complaint Form link is provided on the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services homepage as well as the Dean of Students Report-It webpage.
    • The complainant should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 60 days after the alleged violation.
    • When a complaint/grievance is submitted, the ADA Coordinator for Students or their designee will communicate with complainant within 15 calendar days to discuss the complaint and possible resolutions.
    • Within 15 days of the meeting or communication, the ADA Coordinator for Students or their designee will respond to explain the situation and position of MSUM as well as offer substantive resolution of the complaint.
    • If the response by the ADA Coordinator for Students or their designee does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant or their designee may appeal the decision within 15 calendar days after receipt of the response to the Dean of Students or their designee.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students who believe approved accommodations have not been allowed or provided by faculty or other college/university employees may follow [insert internal concern/complaint policy and/or procedures here]. Students may also file a complaint directly with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (section 504) or the Department of Justice (ADA) if they feel they have been denied access to, or the benefit of, any university academic program or activity. Students are not required by law to use the institutional grievance/complaint process before filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). A complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days of the date of the alleged discrimination.

B. Testing Accommodation Requests

Institutional Responsibilities

  • The Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services provides the following to students with testing accommodations specific to their approved accommodations:
    • The Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services provides options for students with approved testing accommodations such as: distraction reduced space, staffing (proctors), assistive technology, ear plugs, etc..

Student Responsibilities

  • Each student with approved testing accommodations that necessitate scheduling the exam with the Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services is required to:
    • Make request using weblink on Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services website or use weblink provided on individual student email with attached accommodation letter.
    • Once the testing request is submitted, the Accessibility Resources & Testing Services will contact the student to confirm and make final arrangements for the requested test/exam.

C. American Sign Language Interpreters/CART Service Requests

Institutional Responsibilities

  • The Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services provides ASL interpreters and/or CART services for students with these specific accommodations or any public institution events.
    • Individual or student can complete the Interpreter Request form available on the Accessibility Resources department website or email to make the request.
    • Accessibility Resources will communicate with third-party entities to arrange accommodation needs.
    • Confirmation is sent to student and/or event organizer for implementation of services.

Student Responsibilities

  • The student with accommodations for ASL interpreters and/or CART services is responsible for:
    • Individual or student can complete the Interpreter Request form available on the Accessibility Resources department website or email to make the request.
    • Accessibility Resources will communicate with third-party entities to arrange accommodation needs.
    • Confirmation is sent to student and/or event organizer for implementation of services.

D. Alternative Format Materials Request

Institutional Responsibilities

  • The Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services provides materials in a variety of formats, such as Braille, audio, large print, digital, etc. to students with approved accommodations for formats that differ from what is typically provided.
    • Make request using weblink on Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services website or use weblink provided on individual student email with attached accommodation letter.
    • Once the Alternate Format request is submitted, the Accessibility Resources & Testing Services will contact the student to confirm and make final arrangements for the requested accessible material.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students with approved accommodations for alternative format materials, such as textbooks, are required to: o Make request using weblink on Office of Accessibility Resources & Testing Services website or use weblink provided on individual student email with attached accommodation letter.
    • Once the Alternate Format request is submitted, the Accessibility Resources & Testing Services will contact the student to confirm and make final arrangements for the requested accessible material.

Section 4. Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to the authority granted the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA); Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act; WCAG 2.0 Level AA; MN Statutes 16E.03; MN Statutes 363A.42; MN Statutes 363A.43; MN Statutes 135A.163 RISE Act; State of Minnesota Accessibility Standard; Minnesota Human Rights Act MN Statute 363A; the 21st Century Communications and Accessibility Act (CVAA) Pub. L. 111-260; and Minnesota State Policy 1B.4 Access and Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities; The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968. Other authority may also apply.

Section 5. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The President or their designee is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

Section 7. Review

This procedure shall be reviewed every seven years, or as needed.