Grading Policy

Custodian of Policy: Registrar

Relevant Minnesota State System Policy:

Effective Date: Fall 2015

Last Review: Fall 2024

Next Review: 


All study for university credit may be recorded with the following grade designations:

A+ 4.00 Grade points per credit
A 4.00 Grade points per credit
A- 3.67 Grade points per credit
B+ 3.33 Grade points per credit
B 3.00 Grade points per credit
B- 2.67 Grade points per credit
C+ 2.33 Grade points per credit
C 2.00 Grade points per credit
C- 1.67 Grade points per credit
D+ 1.33 Grade points per credit
D 1.00 Grade point per credit
D- 0.67 Grade points per credit
F 0.00 Grade points per credit
FN 0.00 Grade points per credit
I Incomplete
P Pass
IP In Progress
AU Audit
W Withdrawal
EX Exchange – used to document registration. This grade does not affect GPA or Satisfactory Progress.

Grade changes may be submitted by the instructor or dean up to three years after the conclusion of the course.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of grade points earned in a given course or courses by the number of credits attempted. The GPA is based on MSUM grades only. Transfer courses are not used in computing the GPA.

Credits with grades of “P”, “I”, “IP”, “AU”, “W”, or “EX” are not included in computing the GPA.

Credits with grades of “F” and “FN” are included in computing the GPA.

In Progress Grades

The grade of in progress or “IP” is reserved for special cases and means the particular course is not designed to be completed by the end of the term. An “IP” must be completed by the student within two semesters (undergraduate courses) and four semesters (graduate courses), not including summer. If the in progress grade is not completed within the specified time, a grade of “F” will be awarded. Students should never complete the course by re-registering for the class. “IP” grades will be converted to “F” before a degree is conferred.

Pass/Fail Courses (P/F Grades)

Certain courses which offer insufficient opportunity for graded evaluation may be offered with only the grading options of Pass “P” or Fail “F”. Student teaching and internships are always graded on a pass-fail basis.

Pass/Fail Courses (P/F Grades) Option

Students with sophomore, junior, or senior standing may request to take letter graded courses on a P/F basis. Students may not request this option for courses required for their major or minor program. No course taken with P/F grading may be applied to the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum (LASC).

Students may make this request for only one course per semester. Students may apply up to 16 credits under the P/F grading option to a baccalaureate degree program.

No letter graded course which a student has previously failed may be repeated under the P/F grading option.

A grade of “P” will be recorded for any course successfully completed under the P/F option. The grade of “F” will be recorded if the course is failed and computed in the GPA.

A P/F Grading form to request the P/F grading option must be returned to the Registrar’s Office on or before the tenth class day of the semester. Summer session due dates vary based on the length of individual sessions and classes. Once the form has been submitted, the student may not change the course back to letter grading.

Incomplete Credits

The mark of Incomplete “I” is granted when students are unable to complete course requirements for reasons beyond their control and when arrangements have been made with the instructor before the end of the semester. If an incomplete requires substantial class attendance in a subsequent term, the student must register to repeat the course and pay tuition and fees. The I grade will not be used in this instance and the grade earned should be awarded.

“I” grades are administered by completion of the “Incomplete Grade” form by the student and instructor. “I” grades must be completed by the finish of the next semester, not including summer, or they will change to “F”. All “I” grades will be converted to an “F” before a degree is conferred. Grade changes may be submitted as outlined above.